About Us

About Skating Vibe

Skating Vibe is the rolling edge of anything to do with skating and skateboarding. The goal of this site is to share skating tips, tricks, and the best skating gear.

We are all about the skating world from roller skating, inline skating, skateboarding, and longboarding. If you adore any of these sports lets rock and roll.

About Skating Vibe

About the Author – Robert (skater)

Robert is a long time outdoor enthusiast and skater. I have done skating since I was 14 years old. This hobby grew out of curiosity to something I can’t live without (yes, I mean it).

Am more into inline skating and skateboarding but I also do roller skating, longboarding and a bit of ice skating.

Am very passionate about sharing my personal skating experiences including tips and tricks.

I also understand the frustrations that come with buying low quality skating gear that break within a day despite having spent loads of cash on them.

This is why I only share gear that I have used and found to be well built, high quality, comfortable, and long lasting. Some of my best skating shoes have lasted years.

Let’s get spinning!

Robert from Skating Vibe